The Finer Things is a Promotional Products and Corporate Gifts distributor in the Houston, TX area. We have thousands of products to choose from for any corporate event such as trade shows, holiday parties, company picnics, awards, rewards, company store programs, safety programs and employee incentives. We have products that can be embroidered, engraved, screen printed, debossed, embossed or silk screened, if there is a way to get your logo on a product, we have it!

Everyone has received an imprinted product at some point, usually it's a pen, a key chain, stress ball or perhaps a t-shirt. Those are some of the industry's biggest sellers even today, but there is so much more out there. We strive to find you that unique product that will let your company stand out at the next event. Something that people would want to keep and use over and over again.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ASI Gobal Ad Impressions Study

Here are some interesting findings in a Global Ad Impressions Study that the Advertising Specialties Institute did:

86% of people recall the advertiser on logoed products in their possession.

63% of people give logoed products they don't want to someone who will use them.

Check out our site for your next promotional item: